This one was a doozy, but I enjoyed the challenge.
- 200 words exactly, excluding the title: Yes
- Flash fiction, non-fiction, humorous blog musings, or poem: Got it
- Include the word "imago" in the title: Uh huh
- Include miasma, lacuna, oscitate, and synchronicity: Check
- Make reference to a mirror in your post: Done!
The Battle of Imago
His fist ricocheted off the Opponent’s red armor.
The ligaments in his blue arms extended and retracted at lightning speed through the small lacuna of safety between them that flickered with shards of moonlight.
Though they wore the same type of armor, he knew it wasn’t uncommon to be unfairly matched.
For a brief moment, their arms became entangled and their movements mirrored each other in a synchronicity that frightened him.
The Opponent slammed his fist into his face and a wave of pain darted through his neck and skull. He returned the favor with a swift uppercut. The Opponent’s armor rattled and a mechanism in his left arm snapped.
He smiled. The Opponent was weaker.
The Opponent struggled to maintain his stance and faltered. Through the miasma of aggression he saw an opportunity and drove his fist straight into the Opponent’s jaw, causing his head to oscitate from his shoulders and pop into the air.
Before he could celebrate his victory he felt his body rise into the air and float some distance before settling on a shelf.
“If you ever want to see your Rock’em Sock’em again, you boys better turn the lights out and go to bed!”